Returns & Refund
We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee for ALL digital products, ONLY if you haven't accessed or downloaded the digital manual(s). If you have accessed or downloaded the manual within 7-days and are not happy, we can either offer any other digital manual up to the same amount, or offer a store credit to your Account of the same amount. However, please note that we cannot refund collected payments if manual(s) have been accessed or downloaded offline. Due to the nature of our services and since our manuals are all in digital format and, as such, cannot be returned. However, we would like the opportunity to provide a solution or a replacement manual where possible.
To combat access fraud, we have a system that records the IP Address, location and other details of where the "access" or “Download” took place. We take fraudsters seriously, and we'll ensure they are reprimanded in the appropriate manner.
If you would like a refund, please raise a support ticket here, in the first instance.
Reservation of Rights
Epc Catalogues reserves the right to refuse a refund request if it reasonably believes (i) that you are trying to unfairly exploit this refund policy; (ii) if you are in breach of our Terms and conditions; or (iii) if Epc Catalogues reasonably suspects that you are using our service fraudulently.
This refund guide does not affect your statutory rights.