Komatsu 67E-1 Series 3D67E-1A Engine Manual

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Komatsu Repair Manual contains workshop manual, detailed removal, installation, disassembly and assembly, electrical wiring diagram, hydraulic schematic, diagnostic, specification, torque values, .

Publication: SEBM038300
Language: English

Komatsu 67E-1 Series 3D67E-1A Engine Service Repair Manual – 114 Pages

Engine Machine model Machine Serial No.
3D67E-1A PC18MR-2 12001 and up


This Manual is applicable to all 67E-1 Engine

Table of Content of the Komatsu 3D67E-1A Engine Manual:

1. GENERAL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………G-1
2. MECHANISM …………………………………………………………………………………………………..M-1
3. SERVICING……………………………………………………………………………………………………… S-1

This Shop Manual has been prepared to provide servicing personnel with information on the mechanism, service and maintenance of 3D67E Series. It is divided into three parts, “General”, “Mechanism” and “Servicing”.
Information on the engine identification, the general precautions, maintenance check list, check and maintenance and special tools are described.
Information on the structure and function are included. This part should be understood before proceeding with troubleshooting, disassembling and servicing.

Servicing Komatsu 67E-1 Series 3D67E-1A Engine
Information on the troubleshooting, servicing specification lists, tightening torque, checking and adjusting, disassembling and assembling, and servicing which cover procedures, precautions, factory specifications and allowable limits.
All information illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes in all information at any time without notice.

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